You Should Not Join Us.
Extreme Ownership
The buck stops with you! Leadership is not a designation or position of seniority bestowed upon a few, but the privilege of many. We take extreme ownership for each and every outcome and trust that our colleagues do so too! If this is not your world view, we are not for you.
Check Your Ego
No individual person no matter the talent, is bigger than the team. We dislike people who bring their individual ego and make other people feel small. If you’re the kind of person who prefers to fly solo, and don’t feel like you were meant to play a team sport, we are not for you.
Responsibilities Vs. Titles
A promotion at Humour Me, might not always come in the form of a title, but added responsibility and compensation. We won’t give you a title bump-up in name to just appease your industry friends. You could be a leader with a much larger responsibility and a higher take home, but a different designation. If this doesn’t work for you, then we are not for you.
Tell You Twice?
We trust our people. If we follow a particular SOP, process, or guideline, we expect everyone without any bias of your stature or experience to do so. We hate to treat adults like adolescents who need to be reminded, or told twice to do what is expected of them. If you’re the kind of person who lacks discipline and consistency, then we are not for you.
Raise Your Hands In The Air, Not Your Voice!
If you lack listening skills, empathy for other people’s ideas, you constantly find yourself talking over other people, or always want to be the loudest person in the room, we have no rooms available for you.
Doers And Delegators
We like people who can both do the job and then earn the right to delegate. Delegation artists who don’t know how to achieve the task at hand themselves, but expect their subordinates to pick up the slack are not welcome here.
My Previous Organisation...
People who are too attached to doing things the way they were done in their previous organisation, or who lack the open-mindedness do things differently, should choose to stay with their organisations of the past.
Empathy & Candour
We like people who have the candour to level-up and tell their colleagues the truth. Speak your truth within our doors, but do it with empathy. Telling someone you don’t like their work is not a problem but an opportunity to improve the quality of the work. Not doing it with empathy is a problem.
Your Individual Friendships Vs. The Organisation
If keeping your friendships intact within the organisation and appeasing people matters more to you rather than standing up to people and doing right by the organisation. If taking a stand and having difficult conversations to improve the quality of work is too uncomfortable for you, then we are not for you.
Know It Best
If you’re not the eternal learner and you feel you have no more left to learn or grow. If being pushed to learn newer things deters you rather than piquing your curiosity, we are not for you.